
Attached please find the revised LRIT Costing and Billing Standard for your review prior to next week's meeting in Hamburg.  This completes the suite of documents sent via the reflector pertaining to next week's meeting:


You should now have in your position revised versions of the 7 document deliverables:

1.   The revised costing and billing standard (attached this e-mail)

2.   IMO input on technical criteria for the location of the IDC (first May 29 e-mail)

3.   LRIT Data Exchange (first May 29 e-mail)

4.   LRIT Data Centre (first May 29 e-mail)

5.   Communications in the LRIT System (second (May 29 e-mail)

6       Updated status review of work on the DDP (first May 29 e-mail)  Note: The related DDP document is unaltered from the April 20th version distributed via the reflector on that date.

7    Testing specification (June 2 e-mail from Jillian Carson-Jackson).


Additionally, you should have the following documents related to the meeting itself:

-          The Agenda (May 29 and May 30 e-mail)

-          BSH Location (May 24 and May 30 e-mail)


If for any reason you are missing any of these documents, please contact me directly (rather than responding to the reflector) at peverettt@dfo-mpo.gc, and I will send you the documents directly.


Best regards



Tracy Peverett
Senior Policy Analyst
Canadian Coast Guard
Tel: 1-613-990-4046
Fax: 1-613-998-3255
e-mail:  peverettT@dfo-mpo.gc.ca