Malta Meeting
Just to ensure that everyone has a complete package of documents for the Malta meeting, attached please find the:
- Draft guidance on setting up and maintaining the LRIT Data Distribution Plan and
- Draft Protocols for Development Testing of the LRIT System...
The contents of both remain the same as that submitted to IMO in November 2006.
Still to come is the initial draft of the costing and billing specification.
OPIs for the DDP and Testing Specifications
- CIRM has kindly agreed to be the office of primary interest (OPI) for the Draft Guidance on the Data Distribution Plan. Julian Longson will serve as the contact person.  As previously mentioned, work on this document will take place secretarially.
- We are still looking for expressions of interest from anyone wishing to put their name forward as the OPI for the Testing Specification, work on which will also take place secretarially. Anyone interested is invited to send an e-mail directly to me, or to express their interest to Sam Ryan or myself in Malta.
Hamburg Meeting
Many thanks to those of you who pointed out that I had not included Ralf's e-mail address in my previous email.  It is:



Tracy Peverett
Senior Policy Advisor
Canadian Coast Guard
(613) 990-4046