Dear Tracy

Could you plz try to resend the pdf version of the Cost and billing standard, There is an error when I try to open the one you already sent last week.


Kjeld Gaard-Frederiksen

Maritime Assistance Service, Denmark

Fra: [] På vegne af Peverett, Tracy
Sendt: 3. maj 2007 21:12
Emne: [Ccglrit-gcclrit] Costing and billing standard
Prioritet: Høj


As the Word version I sent is almost 2M, I am sending a smaller, pdf version (which you may receive first)


 With apologies for the considerable delay, attached please find the first draft of the costing and billing standard.  As you will see, it is a very rough draft based on inputs from the London ad hoc meeting and related discussions, as well as outcomes of the subsequent COMSAR meeting.  Titles for a number of issues raised but not discussed have been inserted as placeholders to help guide discussions next week. 


Looking forward to lively discussions next week.  Those of you unfortunately not able to attend are, as always, invited to share your comments on this and any of the other documents via the reflector.



An updated version of this and all other specifications will be circulated via the reflector as soon as possible following the Malta meeting to provide time for inputs prior to the meeting in Hamburg.


Best regards




Tracy Peverett

Senior Policy Analyst


Fleet Directorate

Canadian Coast Guard

Tel: 1-613-990-4046

Fax: 1-613-998-3255
