Dear all,


I expect to attend the meeting; the registration form is going to be sending once arrangement will be fixed.


Looking forward to see you in Malta.


Best regards


Yannick Texier
Project Officer on Ship Reporting
Unit F - Technical Co-operation and Development

European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)
Dom João II, Lote
1998-001 Lisbon, Portugal
Tel: +351 21 1209 278
Fax: +351 21 1209 217


From: [] On Behalf Of Ryan, Sam
Sent: 02 April 2007 20:51
Cc:; Sciberras Anne Marie at MFA London
Subject: [Ccglrit-gcclrit] Malta Visa Information


Hello All,

I've attached the Visa form for Malta. If you have any questions regarding the Visa, please contact Anne Marie Sciberras ( after April 15th, and Lawrence Sciberras ( before April 15th.

<<Malta Visa application.pdf>>
Once we receive the information concerning the Hotel in Malta we will send it to everyone via the reflector.

Sam Ryan
Manager, Engineering & Maintenance, Electronics & Informatics
Canadian Coast Guard - Garde côtière canadienne

tel: 613 998-1777 | cell: 613 850-0541 | fax: 613 998-9258
Fisheries and Oceans Canada | 200 Kent St., 7S036
Pêches et Océans Canada | 200, rue Kent, 7S036
Ottawa, ON, K1A 0E6
Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada


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