First of two e-mails

In follow up to my e-mail of May 24, attached please find the following documents:

·          The Agenda for the upcoming meeting of the Ad hoc Working Group on Engineering Aspects of LRIT, taking place at the BSH offices in Hamburg, Germany, June 12-14.

·          Revised versions of the following documents:

- IMO input on technical criteria for the location of the IDC

- LRIT Data Exchange

- LRIT Data Centre

·          A powerpoint presentation providing an updated status review of work being undertaken intersessionally on the Data Distribution Plan, which provides a detailed workplan on this item for Hamburg.


The LRIT Communications specification has also been updated based on work undertaken at the Malta meeting and secretarially. As it is a large document, I am sending it separately as the second of two e-mails.


Remaining documents to be provided later this week are:

·          Test specs:  The OPI, Jillian Carson-Jackson, will be sending the revised document out directly via the reflector later this week,

·          Costing and billing standard:  I will be sending the revised document out either this weekend, or Monday, June 4th at the latest, to provide a week for review prior to the Hamburg meeting.


A reminder that those planning to attend the Hamburg meeting should please notify Ralf-Dieter Preuss at to indicate:

·          Their attendance

·          Whether they require an invitation letter (which Ralf will then send directly to that individual)

Questions related to location, traveling, etc, should be directed to Mrs. Dajana Voss of BSH at


For information of all, I will be locked up in meetings in darkest Sydney, Nova Scotia, for the next three days and will not be reachable. I will be checking messages Saturday, and am back in the office Monday.    


Looking forward to seeing you all in Hamburg,


Best regards



Tracy Peverett
Senior Policy Analyst
Canadian Coast Guard
Tel: 1-613-990-4046
Fax: 1-613-998-3255