Hey Gang,
I got some free hotdogs and hamburgers and buns donated by
Union Gas today so I would be willing to host a BBQ at my house this week to
put our team further ahead in fundraising. Could we somehow incorporate it
into a Wed night ride? You could meet at Competitive Edge and bike to my house
on the Eberts Line, have something to eat and then bike back. Or we could have
it after the ride and then you could enjoy the pool as well. Please send me
your thoughts.
I would going to offer this as a “donation”
thing. Maybe $5.00 but really that’s just us putting in more money so
like I said, open to suggestions? Or could we just offer them in front of
Competitive Edge one day this week? Hot dog, hamburgers and can of pop, that
sort of thing?
Please email me at work so I can make a decision to freeze
or frig this stuff when I get home.
Jennifer Laevens B.Comm
Construction Analyst, Stations/Pipelines
436-4600 ext 2926
571-8446 ext 2926 toll free