1) Rooms for the New Semester
2) Show Debate on Darfur
3) Mandatory North-Ams Meeting
4) Winter Carnival

1) Meeting Times and Places
Our Wednesday meeting room is SP 417 and our Friday meeting room is TB 238. The meeting times remain Wednesday at 7pm and Friday at 4pm.

2)Show Debate on Darfur
t is my pleasure to inform you that SHOUT (Students Helping Others Understand Tolerance) and the Carleton University Debate Society are partnering to bring you a debate, a brief lecture, and and a discussion about whether states should unilaterally intervene in the affairs of other states in order to protect human rights (with a specific focus on Darfur).  The debate portion will feature two national champions, and the lecture will be given by Prof Penny, a noted expert on international law and on the international legal regulation of the use of force.  It will be at 7:00 in Tory 240 on Thursday, January 10.

For more information contact Garnett Genuis at vpi@carletondebate.org or Raphael Shainfarber at shoutottawa@gmail.com or check out our facebook event called "Sovereignty vs Human Rights in Darfur".

3) Manditory North-Ams Meeting
January 11th at 4pm in our Friday meeting room. This is a mandatory meeting for everyone involved with North-Ams and seeing as everyone should be involved with North-Ams this means everyone.We will be discussing specific responsibilities over the next couple of weeks as well as arranging billets and other things. THIS MEETING IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.

4) Winter Carnival
The TSC will meet shortly to determine who will be attending Winter Carnival. Seeing as we have 4 teams and 2 judges registered some people will be unable to attend. Please check CUSIDnet regularly for the announcement. As well if anyone who is attending has a place to stay in Montreal please post on CUSIDnet in the Winter Carnival thread.

5) Novice Training Day V.2.0
On January 12th starting at 9am we will be hosting our Canadian Parliamentary Training session. It will feature a seminar by North American Top Speaker and Former National Champion Ian Freeman followed by at minimum two practice rounds judged by experiences CUDS debaters. This is a great chance for all debaters to learn more about CP and have another chance to get to know people better. All CUDS members are strongly encouraged to attend. The event should end around 3pm.

***Please do not reply directly to this email.  If you have any questions or comments, please direct them to vpcom@carletondebate.org ***