1) Novice rep elections
2) VP French By-election
3) Upcoming Tournaments
4) CUSIDnet
5) Room Locations
6) Xerxes Cup: Carleton's high school tournament

1) Novice Rep Elections

Elections for Novice Rep will occur during the regular Wednesday meeting on October 10th. All those who are interested in running for the position of Novice Representative should post their intention to run and any relevant experience on CUSIDnet. Also anyone interested in running MUST e-mail their intention to run to exec@carletondebate.org. The Novice Rep is responsible for representing the interests of all novices, serves as a member at large on the executive and holds the fifth seat on the Tournament Selection Committee which determines who attends tournaments. Only novices are eligible to vote in the Novice rep election and if you cannot attend the meeting on October 10th then please send your proxy vote to exec@calretondebate.org no later than 6:00pm on October 10th.

2) VP French By-election

With the resignation of Alex Grinton as VP French there is now an open space on the executive. The by-election for VP French will take place on October 10th at the regular debate meeting. Anyone interested in running should post their platform on the CUSIDnet forum and MUST e-mail exec@carletondebate.org to express their intentions. All members who have attended one external tournament (Novice this year counts) or attended six debate meetings this year are able to vote. If you cannot attend the meeting on October 10th then please send your proxy vote to exec@calretondebate.org no later than 6:00pm on October 10th.

3) Upcoming Tournaments

There are several exciting tournaments coming up in the next couple months. Due to the huge amount of interest we have had in attending BP Nats we will not be able to send everyone who has applied. However there are lots of other tournaments to apply for and everyone who is interested in attending other external tournaments is encouraged to apply.

i) Guindon
U of O will be hosting their annual invitational on the Weekend of October 12th to 14th. The tournament will start at 5pm on Friday night and promises to be a great time. This tournament we will be a pro-aming so all novice debaters will be paired with an experiences debater. We encourage everyone to sign up for this tournament and anyone who is interested in going should post on CUSIDnet by this Wednesday to confirm numbers.

ii) Hart House Invitational
Hart House Debate Club at U of T will be hosting their annual invitational tournament on the weekend of October 19th to 21st. Hart House always puts on a great tournament which features a banquet in their great hall. If anyone is interested please post on the relevant thread on CUSIDnet.

iii) Yale IV
Yale will be hosting their annual invitational tournament on the weekend of October 26th to 28th. We will be leaving on the Thursday afternoon and returning the Sunday morning from Yale. This is a great chance to debate at and see one of the most amazing university campuses in North America and meet people from all across North America. We also need a driver for the tournament. If you are interested in attending please post by October 20th.

iv) BP Nats
Thanks to everyone who applied. The TSC will make its decision tomorrow morning and we will inform those chosen by tomorrow evening. If you are not selected please apply for other tournaments on CUSIDnet.

v) Chancellors Cup at Queens
Queens University will be hosting their annual Chancellors Cup on the weekend of November 9th to 11th. This is the first CP tournament of the year and is always a great time. If anyone is interested please post on the relevant CUSIDnet thread.

vi) PET
The first French debating tournament of the season hosted at U of O. It will be the weekend of November 9th to 11th as well. Again, if interested please post on the relevant CUSIDnet thread.

4) CUSIDnet

CUSIDnet is CUDS' home on the internet. This is where we sign up for tournaments, announce club news and generally discuss anything ranging from news to music to movies. All members are strongly encouraged to sign up. To do so go to www.cusid.ca/community and create a user account. From there scroll down to the Carleton Forum and send a private message to either of the forum moderators requesting access to the Carleton University Forum. Alternatively you can also e-mail exec@carletondebate.org with your exact username and we will let you in to the forum. If you are having problems we will be helping people sign up after the meetings this Wednesday and Friday.

5) Locations!

As per the e-mail sent out this weekend we have room locations for the next two weeks. For Wednesday we will be in SA 315 at 7pm and for Friday we will be in Tory 315 at 4pm. See you then! We welcome new members at all our meetings.

6) Xerxes Cup

This is our annual high school tournament and is the other side of our debate clubs activities. Hosting tournaments is what Carleton's reputation is built on and we hope to continue that this year. Xerxes will be on the weekend of November 16th and 17th  (Friday evening and Saturday) and is always one of the best weekends of the year. If anyone is interested in helping organize the tournament please e-mail the exec over the course of the next month. This is a great opportunity for novices who want to be involved in the organizational aspect of debate to take part.

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