1) Novice Representative Elections
2) Vice-President French Election
3) Guindon
4) Hart House and Yale
5)Up Coming Tournaments

1) Novice Rep Elections

The elections for Novice Representative will be held this Wednesday at 7pm at our regular meeting. For those interested in running please e-mail your intention to run to exec@carletondebate.org and post your platform/relevant experience on CUSIDnet. You do not need to attend the Wednesday meeting if you want to run, simply post on CUSIDnet and e-mail the exec. All novices may vote in the novice rep elections and if you cannot attend the Wednesday meeting you may send a proxy vote to president@carletondebate.org and vpadmin@carletondebate.org. If you have any questions feel free to contact us via e-mail, Facebook or CUSIDnet.

2) Vice-President French Election

The election will be held this Wednesday at 7pm. The two members running for election are Alexander Bourbonniere and Yannick Lepage. Please see CUSIDnet for their platforms or to pose questions to them.  All members who had voting rights at the AGM and are still Carleton students may vote. As well any novice who attended the Novice tournament OR 6 meetings this year may vote. If you cannot attend the Wednesday meeting we encourage you to send a proxy vote to president@carletondebate.org and vpadmin@carletondebate.org. If you have any questions feel free to contact us via e-mail, Facebook or CUSIDnet.

3) Guindon at U of O

This coming weekend U of O will be hosting their annual BP tournament. We have 14 people signed up right now to debate which is awesome. If you are unsure whether you have signed up for Guindon or not, either check the sign-up list on CUSIDnet or e-mail exec@calretondebate.org. The absolute final deadline for sign-up is this Wednesday. If interested please post on the CUSIDnet thread by Wednesday. We will send out more info regarding details later in the week.

4) Hart House Invitational at U of T and Yale IV

Due to a lack of interest in attending the Yale IV we may end up cutting it out of the schedule. That being said if you are interested in going then sign up before Wednesday at 4pm. As well if you are interested in attending the Hart House Invitational then sign up on CUSIDnet ASAP. We encourage anyone who has yet to sign up for an out of town tournament to do so.

5) Up Coming Tournaments

There are many exciting tournaments coming up this semester. All of these are open to everyone and we want to send as many people as possible to tournaments this year. If you haven't attended an out-of-town tournament yet then sign up soon.
Hart House at U of T: October 19th to 21st
Yale IV: October 26th to 28th
Chancellors at Queens: November 9th to 11th
P.E.T at U of O (French): November 9th to 11th