1) Elections update
2) Guindon Details

1) Election Results

Congratulations to our new Vice President French Yannick Lepage and our new Novice Rep Tyler Pirie.

2) Guindon Details

For all those going to Guindon we have decided upon pairings so please check CUSIDnet for details in that regard.

 In terms of transportation the U of O shuttle leaves Carleton at 4:25 so for those interested we will meet at 4:10 in front of the Steacie Building. For everyone else, we will meet you in room 147 of the Fauteux building on the U of O campus by 5:30. Please do not be late!

The tournament will have two rounds Friday night followed by a social and four rounds on Saturday followed by dinner and a social Saturday night. Sunday is the break rounds, finals and awards.