Take care Marsha and Merry Christmas to you and your family. Lynn Faragher Orillia Canada


From: Marsha Rakes [mailto:mrakes1214@gmail.com]
Sent: 19-Dec-20 6:55 PM
To: olg@lists.ncf.ca
Subject: [OLG] Re: Is


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I am so sorry Kitt, I pray your husband will feel better soon and sad of the passing of your pet! It’s so hard losing a fur member of the family.


My husband had another ablation this week but feeling better. Next will be a pacemaker if this doesn’t work! Merry Christmas everyone!


Marsha from Vegas!


On Sat, Dec 19, 2020 at 9:42 AM Kitt Huffaker <kaboodle@cableone.net> wrote:

These last 3 days have been a tough time for me.  Sophie, our beloved Old English Sheepdog developed severe pain in her left leg & could not stand. This was of course at 8pm when Phil decided to get ready for bed. So we put a sheet under her & took her to the emergency vet. Sat outside till she was examined & then the doc came out to tell the diagnosis.  X-rays later plus the exam showed the “ shot” knee needing replacement.  We took her home with anti- inflammatorys & pain pills. Got her comfortable at home. The next morning her left front leg was giving her problems. We went to our regular vet in the morning for options. At 12 years of age she is not a surgical candidate & had to put her down. She was the best friend to Phil, his guardian & love.  She would come to me when he was in trouble or if she needed something, I also loved her gentle soul snd was a joy to have around.  She is sorely missed. 
THEN Thursday afternoon, he informs me he is do constipated, ok, gave him a laxative .  Then he tells me that he has not been able to pee since yesterday. WHAT!!!  As our ER was a 6hr wait, we drove down to Phoenix to Mayo Clinic ER, who took him immediately.  Of course, I could not go in due to the COVID outbreak .  They put a catheter in, X-rayed & sent him home to see the urologist on Friday. No masses, no indication as to why. So of course, had to go back to Mayo Clinic on Friday. The Phil went in, I sat in the car & read a book.  He is fine...Thank you God!  Hope not to go threw that again. Today is a better day...  Wishing all a joyful Christmas & HAPPY NEW YEAR ... Kitt

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