I just found this among my spam. I want to be included.
Lucille Wanee
4 years, 2 months
by Velia Amparo Rivas
Just trying it out!
Love to all my Sisters, Merry. Christmas! ☃️🎅❄️🎄🎁🎶🥳
🎇 Velia Amparo Rivas 🎄
4 years, 2 months
Re: Welcome to the "Olg" mailing list
-----Original Message-----
From: olg-request(a) <olg-request(a)>
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2020 3:04 PM
To: Jean Gasior <vgasiorolg(a)>
Subject: Welcome to the "Olg" mailing list
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4 years, 2 months
by Dell DeMeyer
I think I got so busy last month I forgot to do MY program so thought had
better get going on December which I hope you all got with our new
1. My favorite Christmas songs are "Oh Holy Night" for a solemn one and
"I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" for a
pop selection. Still have my original and very old sheet music too!
2. Favorite holiday activity is having my family and friends here for
dinner parties and usually have a prime rib dinner
that my husband and I started doing about 40 years ago and have done
every year except this year because of
the virus I have canceled it. My favorite activity is decorating--hate
taking it all down!
3. My small family of just my two daughters, one son in law, a
grandaughter and her fiancee, and my two grandsons
always come to my house Christmas Eve for early dinner that used to be
clam chowder but this year will
be prime rib--my choice. They open the presents from me here, then we
all go over to my daughter's house for
gift giving to all of us from them and have dessert. We play board
games (lots of Scrabble) and get pretty silly
and loud but have a great time. No great grandchildren yet.and older
grandson just graduated from Cal Poly
and is working in Paso Robles and the youngest going to Boise State
and in Jr. year. I guess I just have to
wait. There's usually a puzzle going on, too which we finish the next
4. I like anything peppermint so stock up on limited edition peppermint
ice cream, Ghiaradelli peppermint candy and
peppermint bark. I like the frozen cranberry salad I always make and
I love turkey sandwiches Christmas day.
I hope you all have a fabulous holiday and I wish you many merry and happy
days of Christmas.
Love, Dell
4 years, 2 months
by Lea Norman
*1. What is your favorite Christmas song of songs? Hallelujah *
*2. What is/are your favorite holiday activity/s? Decorating, **baking,
having family and friends at our home *
*3. Do you have a favorite family Christmas tradition? Candles &
Communion at Church on Christmas Eve; family on Christmas Eve and Christmas
*4. What is your favorite holiday food? (includes dessert, candy, etc.)
Home-baked goodies *
*I’m sure Bob & I will be combining favorites from both of our families
since this is his first Christmas as part of our family.*
*Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!*
*Lea (Norman) Perkins*
4 years, 2 months
by Pat Griffey
Sent from my iPad
> On Dec 7, 2020, at 6:08 PM, Cozette Bolshaw <bolshaw83686(a)> wrote:
> 1. What is your favorite Christmas song of songs? Silent night
> 2. What is/are your favorite holiday activity/s? Cooking and displaying your angels
> 3. Do you have a favorite family Christmas tradition? Just family Christmas Eve for gift exchange and dinner.
> 4. What is your favorite holiday food? Fruit cake like my mom made.
> Merry Christmas to everyone
> Pat from Pensacola
> From: pmbutrfly(a) <pmbutrfly(a)>
> Sent: Sunday, December 6, 2020 9:03 PM
> To: olg(a) <olg(a)>
> Gentle reminder. Please reply to all so that we all may see your response. Please delete the pictures so Vicki and I will not have to approve every message. Pat
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> Olg mailing list -- olg(a)
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4 years, 2 months
by Sheri Van Veldhouse
Great questions! Merry Christmas to everyone and I hope next year will be wonderful for everyone.
1. What is your favorite Christmas song of songs?Little drummer boy. Especially the version with Bing Crosby and David Bowie.
2. What is/are your favorite holiday activity/s?2 and 3 would be the same. Since Ed's accident, we do the drive through Christmas light show not far from us. Another thing we like is driving around neighborhoods with our 3D glasses on.
3. Do you have a favorite family Christmas tradition?Refer to #24. What is your favorite holiday food?
I don't think I can name one, so I'll put holiday cookies. I have so many wonderful memories if making cookies with my mom during the holidays. Everyone us wonderful to me.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Mon, Dec 7, 2020 at 16:08, Cozette Bolshaw<bolshaw83686(a)> wrote: #yiv4859448735 P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}1. What is your favorite Christmas song of songs? Joy to the world2. What is/are your favorite holiday activity/s? Decorating the house, baking Cookies, having friends over3. Do you have a favorite family Christmas tradition? Church on Christmas Eve and then family get together that evening4. What is your favorite holiday food? (includes dessert, candy, etc.) Cookies (a family favorite is Jubilee Jumbles from a very old Holiday Betty Crocker book)
Merry Christmas to everyone
Cozette from Idaho
From: pmbutrfly(a) <pmbutrfly(a)>
Sent: Sunday, December 6, 2020 9:03 PM
To: olg(a) <olg(a)>
Subject: [OLG] Re: DECEMBER PROGRAM Gentle reminder. Please reply to all so that we all may see your response. Please delete the pictures so Vicki and I will not have to approve every message. Pat
Olg mailing list -- olg(a)
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Olg mailing list -- olg(a)
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4 years, 2 months
by Wynona Johnson
Best wishes to all the ladies with special days, birthdays, and anniversaries .
Thank you for the best wishes for our anniversary on Christmas Eve.
It's been a difficult year for all of us but we have almost made it through. We are stronger than we thought . Though we don't know what next year will bring, it will be an adventure that we will travel as sisters.
May this month and the holidays bring you so much joy and so much love to share with others, and may a smile decorate your face often during these special Holy December days.
4 years, 2 months
December Birthdays
by Connie Hayward
The birthstone of December is the turquoise, which represents prosperity, success, and good fortune.
December’s flower is the narcissus, which symbolizes rebirth and respect.
The zodiac signs associated with December are Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec.21), which is characterized as extroverted and optimistic, and Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19), which can be described as professional and organized.
Celebrity birthdays in December include Woody Allen (12/1), Lucy Liu (12/2), Walt Disney (12/5), Larry Bird (12/7,) Frank Sinatra (12/12), Bob Barker (12/12), Taylor Swift (12/13), Jamie Foxx (12/13), Vanessa Hudgens (12/25), Ludwig van Beethoven (12/16), Samuel L. Jackson (12/21), Sir Isaac Newton (12/25) and comic book icon, Stan Lee (12/28).
Happy Birthday:
December 7. Frances Luckhart
December 10. Nan Rutkowski
December 13. JoAnn Thornton
December 14. Marsha Rakes
December 16. Linda Fisher
December 19. Marlene Killgore Cepeda
December 26. Jean Gasior
Happy Anniversary:
December 17. Vicki Lunt
December 24. Wynona Johnson
Happy Birthdays and Happy Anniversaries!!!
Thank you! UrBSPsis, Connie Hayward, Las Vegas, NV
4 years, 2 months