From Helen Groves
I've been checking on sisters ...
-----Original Message-----
From: Helen Groves <htg205(a)>
To: pmbutrfly(a)
Sent: Mon, Mar 8, 2021 11:44 am
Subject: Re: Are you getting OLG mail?
Thank you Pat for the information I wondered why I wasn’t hearing from anyone I went into my junk and spam mail and sure enough there are the messages from OLG🌴 for the rollcall yes I am here🌴 been having a few health problems I I have shingles in my ear which has caused vertigo I am in my fourth week Doctor said 6 to 8 week Doctor has given me something for the dizziness as far as the pain goes it just has to work itself out🌴 take care of yourself and thank you for emailing me and let me know about the problem Helen
Sent from my iPhone
3 years, 11 months
Where is mail?
by Dell DeMeyer
Have noticed your emails to me are in my Spam folder--are mine going into your
spam also? I get a message saying the person in charge of our account has
to give permission to send messages which is Pat--and then they appear to
be going thru OK. Not hearing from a lot of you but assume you are
receiving the program and the email cards I have been sending as a few of
you have responded. Very interesting-----Pat, can you help us clear this
up please? Thanks,
3 years, 11 months
New email
by M Ethridge
My email is changing to methridge70(a)
For over 25 years I have been using the rollanet email. But rollanet has
closed its website and all services. For those in Rolla like me who have
been part of it from the beginning, it is sad. Rollanet was begun to help
our small town have internet service, starting as a dialup. We even had a
storefront on the main downtown street with computers for anyone to use,
providing service to those who did not have a pc in home. This may not
mean much to most of you, but it was a nice service while it lasted.
3 years, 11 months
Fwd: Beta Sigma Phi Torch
In case you haven't received a notification.Pat
-----Original Message-----
From: do-not-reply(a) <do-not-reply(a)>
Subject: Beta Sigma Phi Torch
Hello Sisters,
The Torch is Here!
The February 2021 issue is now available on our Beta Sigma Phi International website! Please notify the members in your chapter that this issue is now online as you are the only member in your chapter to receive this notification. (All members-at-large receive notification since they are not in a chapter.) If you subscribe to the print edition, your hard copy is on its way!
To access this newest issue online go to | Already a Member | Members Only | Torch Magazine in PDF and log in with your member number & email address, or click here!
How To Order/Renew Print Edition:
ONLINE, | Already a Member | Place Orders | Order Torch Subscription, (member number and email address needed to log in).
CALL,If you subscribe to the print edition, your hard copy is on its way!To access this newest issue online go to | Already a Member | Members Only | Torch Magazine in PDF and log in with your member number & email address, or!ONLINE,CALL 816-444-6800 and ask to order The Torch magazine.
MAIL, send a check made payable to Beta Sigma Phi for $14.00 and mail to: Beta Sigma Phi, Attention: Torch Subscription, 1800 West 91st Place, Kansas City, MO 64114.
Reminders: Due to the large digital file size The Torch cannot be emailed to you.
For all members who enjoy the print edition of The Torch, please be sure to renew your subscriptions. A renewal notice is sent when only one issue is remaining. Please note that you do not need the notice to renew. Also, on the back of your magazine with your name and mailing address, the number of issues remaining on your subscription is noted for your information.
Important Information from International Office
A preview of the 2021 Founder's Day Gifts flyer is on the announcements page of our website. Chapters that received the 10% Gift Discount form by email did not get an attachment of the Founder's Day Gifts flyer. The flyer includes great items to have for Founder's Day celebrations. Below is a preview of the current Founder's Day Cover that can be purchased from the gift department, get yours while supplies last!
An International General Fund Donation was created & is now available online! Help support the International office which has been hit hard by the effects of COVID-19 by donating directly to the general fund. The donation amount is set by you and can be made as a member donation or chapter/city council donation. Simply go to | Already a Member! | Announcements. A link to the donation page is at the very top of the announcements page.
This fund is specifically for operating costs—so that we can continue to serve you to the best of our abilities.There is no obligation to donate, but we do appreciate any support. Times are tough for us all as we continue to muddle through the murky waters of this pandemic. We are here to offer support and guidance whenever needed. Tell us how we can serve you better. Your thoughts and ideas are always welcome. Together we can grow this organization and expand our services.
Check out additional announcements on page 5 of each issue and be sure to regularly check the announcements page of our website for continual updates and new information.
Thank you,The Torch Department
Beta Sigma Phi International
1800 West 91st Place
Kansas City, MO 64114
(Please note that you are receiving this email because you are a member of Beta Sigma Phi. If you feel you have received this email in error please contact us and we will resolve the issue.)
3 years, 11 months
by Patty Mele
I seeing if this will go through and come to my inbox.
3 years, 11 months
Fwd: March Birthdays/Anniversaries and Special Days
by Connie Hayward
Subject: March Birthdays/Anniversaries and Special Days
> March’s traditional birthstone is the frosty aquamarine, which according to superstition, helped keep mariners safe at sea. But if the blue-green sparkler doesn’t suit you there is an alternative to choose from: The deep green and red-flecked bloodstone. According to lore, Ancient Egyptians believed the bloodstone gave them an advantage over their enemies in battle.
> Nothing says “spring” like cheerful daffodil buds emerging from the hard, frost-bitten ground. Likewise, March’s birth flower is the daffodil, which represents joy, sunshine and friendship.
> There are two signs that rule over March babies: Someone born in March is Pisces if they're born between March 1 and 20, and Aries from March 21 through the end of the month. Pisces are said to be "smart, creative, and deeply intuitive," while Aries are said to have "passionate and independent."
> You may share a birthday with Justin Bieber (March 1), Bryce Dallas Howard (March 2), Jessica Biel (March 3), Eva Mendes (March 5), Shaquille "Shaq" O'Neal (March 6), Terrence Howard (March 11), Eva Longoria (March 15), Bruce Willis (March 19), Reese Witherspoon (March 22), Elton John (March 25), Mariah Carey (March 27), Lady Gaga (March 28), Celine Dion (March 30).
> Happy Birthday:
> March 4 - Sheri Van Veldhouse
> March 6 - Christine Annett
> March 9 - Debbie Jackson
> March 19 - Martha Ethridge
> March 21 - Jessie Hansen
> March 27 - Pam Robinson
> Happy Anniversary:
> March 18 - Gail Kunsman
> Special Day:
> March 4 - Melba King
> Happy Birthday, Anniversary and Special Day!
> Thank you! UrBSPsis, Connie Hayward, Las Vegas, NV
3 years, 11 months
by Barbara Bueter
I have done everything thing I can think of and my incoming OLG still goes to junk.
It’s not fair to frustrate an old lady. 😂
Sent from my iPhone
3 years, 11 months
by Kitt Huffaker
Loved your story. I, too , am preparing corned beef & cabbage for dinner. Love it. Hugs Kitt
Sent from my iPhone
3 years, 11 months
Hi everyone
by Jess Hansen
Finally made contCt thanks for keeping me.
Beta hugs,
Jess Hansen
Cincinnati Ohio
Sent from my iPad
3 years, 11 months