Forwarded FEBRUARY PROGRAM from Debbie German
Forwarded From: debkgerman(a)
I enjoy the month of February--i love all the red & pink -- especially for Valentine's Day! I always decorate the house--& I love love love chocolate!!!!!!!! And by now we have eaten all the fudge made at Christmas time! I am ready for more chocolate!I always look forward to, & have a grand time at our Sweetheart Ball-- as Larry & I love to dance--& are usually the last to leave---but, sadly this year our Ball has been canceled due to Covid. So, I am bummed about that. It will not be the same this year-- but, hopefully folks will be raring to go next February! Happy Valentine's Day to all!!Debbie German
Clovis, CA.
(I removed the pictures and forwarded. Pat)
4 years
February’s Birthdays
by Connie Hayward
Hi. I apologize for being late this month. I’ve been laid up with fibromyalgia.
February’s birthstone is the amethyst and is a purple quartz. It is a beautiful blend of violet and red that can be found in every corner of the world. February flowers are the violet and the primrose. The violet signifies watchfulness, loyalty and faithfulness. The primrose let’s someone know that you cannot live without them.
Born between February 1 and February 18 were born under the star sign Aquarius, while those born later in the month are under Pisces. Aquarians are often considered to be original and progressive thinkers with strong humanitarian instincts, while Pisces are often very compassionate and artistic.
You may share a birthday with Clark Gable (February 1), Farrah Faucet and Christine Brinkley (February 2), Norman Rockwell (February 3), Rosa Parks (February 4), Ronald Reagan (February 6), Garth Brooks (February 7), Jennifer Anniston (February 11), Abraham Lincoln (Februar 12), John Travolta (February 18), George Washington (February 22), Jackie Gleason and Tony Randall (February 26), and Elizabeth Taylor (February 27).
Happy Birthday:
February 7 - Shirley Kelley Heim
February 7 - Bettie Kilgore
February 19 - Pat Library
Happy Anniversary:
February 2 - Norma Gilkey
February 27 - Donna Litt
Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary!
Thank you! UrBSPsis, Connie Hayward, Las Vegas, NV
4 years
Re: Testing and Roll Call
by pat libhart
I have not been receiving messages except when it is sometimes forwarded from another member, and never from Pat P.
Got this message from Cozette’s response.
Pat L - Colorado
------ Original Message ------
From: Cozette Bolshaw
To: olg(a), pmbutrfly(a)
Sent: February 11, 2021 at 9:37 AM
Subject: [OLG] Re: Testing and Roll Call
Cozette Bolshaw
Meridian, Idaho
Xi Alpha Chi
From: pmbutrfly(a) <pmbutrfly(a)>
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2021 8:03 AM
To: olg(a) <olg(a)>
Subject: [OLG] Testing and Roll Call
Hello all,
There are some issues with our mail server as I am not able to approve my own message with a picture going out to OLG. My guru is checking into the lack of service on the server's site. I have also found that some members are still unaware their messages may be going to spam. Please respond to this message in order for me to figure out out who is missing.
Please respond to this roll call.
Your Sister,
_______________________________________________ Olg mailing list -- olg(a) To unsubscribe send an email to olg-leave(a)
4 years
by Dell DeMeyer
[image: image.png] *FEBRUARY FAVORITES*
*There is quite a bit going on in February and you probably all have
different thoughts on what your favorite holiday or special day to
celebrate is, such as Ground Hog Day, Presidents' Day, Mardi Gras,
Valentine's Day, Chinese New Year, Super Bowl Sunday--or maybe it's your
birthday, anniversary or something else that is your favorite February
"special day". Love of anything is always good no matter what so please
share your favorite February Favorite!! Enjoy sharing your "love" of
February with us and remember, the month is short so don't wait too long!
WE love hearing from you.*
*I will start off with my favorite February happening and that is my love
of Valentine's Day--one, because I think red roses are gorgeous, I love
pink anything (especially flamingos) which to me is also a Valentine
color; secondly, I have always loved the vintage Valentines with slushy
sentiments and the adorable cupids and children; third, I must be a
romantic at heart and can remember how much fun it was being selected as
Valentine Queen/Sweetheart, both in first grade and again in sorority a few
times over the years. . . it's always fun to be Queen!! I love getting and
sending Valentines, love love love chocolate and anything lacy, Victorian
and romantic. One year I even left my large Christmas tree up and
decorated it with all Valentine ornaments, cards and flowers and last year
I left my red ornaments on it for our sorority chapter meeting in
February. Happy Valentine's Day to you all!*
*Program Chairman*
4 years
Re: Testing and Roll Call
by Debbie German
i got itDebbie GermanClovis, CA
On Thursday, February 11, 2021, 8:37:47 AM PST, Cozette Bolshaw <bolshaw83686(a)> wrote:
#yiv9741693588 P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}Cozette BolshawMeridian, IdahoXi Alpha Chi
From: pmbutrfly(a) <pmbutrfly(a)>
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2021 8:03 AM
To: olg(a) <olg(a)>
Subject: [OLG] Testing and Roll Call Hello all,
There are some issues with our mail server as I am not able to approve my own message with a picture going out to OLG. My guru is checking into the lack of service on the server's site. I have also found that some members are still unaware their messages may be going to spam. Please respond to this message in order for me to figure out out who is missing.
Please respond to this roll call.
Your Sister,Pat
Olg mailing list -- olg(a)
To unsubscribe send an email to olg-leave(a)
4 years
Bettie Kilgore Remembrance
Hello Sisters,
Bettie joined OLG in May 2006. We got to meet in person at the Sacramento gathering in 2009. OLG held a welcoming ritual for her daughter Marlene at Dell DeMeyer's home. Bettie was a fun lady with a wonderful smile.
We will miss her. Marlene in the background and Bettie and me.
Your Sister,Pat
4 years
Bettie Kilgore
Sisters, I have been remiss in not letting you know that our sister Bettie Kilgore passed away recently. I don’t remember the exact date and don’t have the capacity to look back in my e-mails—sorry. Her daughter Marlene Killgore Cepeda (I may have her last name wrong—again, I can’t check it right now) is an OLG sister. Perhaps Pat Phillips could give us her address so we can send cards and sympathy.
Hugs, Lucille
4 years
Re: Bettie Kilgore
by Sheri Van Veldhouse
So sorry to hear about Betty's passing.She was always so nice.Prayers for her family.Sheri
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 10:04, Cozette Bolshaw<bolshaw83686(a)> wrote: Thoughts and prayers to Marlene and family at the loss of Bettie.
Cozette from Idaho
Get Outlook for Android
From: lwanee(a) <lwanee(a)>
Sent: Thursday, February 4, 2021 3:33:13 PM
To: olg(a) <olg(a)>
Subject: [OLG] Bettie Kilgore Sisters, I have been remiss in not letting you know that our sister Bettie Kilgore passed away recently. I don’t remember the exact date and don’t have the capacity to look back in my e-mails—sorry. Her daughter Marlene Killgore Cepeda (I may have her last name wrong—again, I can’t check it right now) is an OLG sister. Perhaps Pat Phillips could give us her address so we can send cards and sympathy.
Hugs, Lucille_______________________________________________
Olg mailing list -- olg(a)
To unsubscribe send an email to olg-leave(a)
4 years
by Barbara Bueter
Proud of you Kitt I know they really appreciate your help with the shots.
I have had mine. Since Parkway Retirement Village is owned by Baptist Health we were lucky to get our shots as soon as the vaccine became available. My first shot was a breeze. The second one didn’t play nice.
As for staying out of trouble...well I haven’t gone anywhere in so long my outdoor manners need a reboot. Our incoming and outgoing mail is placed on a table outside by my door. That is where we also receive one meal a day. I serve as food chairman on the residents council. Have you sat in your chair and tried to please 180 (old grumps) with one meal a day and no choice of menu? It gets VERY INTERESTING. What’s the saying someone’s gotta do it
Take care ladies. Till later Beta hugs
Sent from my iPhone
4 years